how to get squirrels out of roof

How To Get Squirrels Out Of Roof

As an aspiring roofer, you’re likely aware of the many challenges that come with maintaining and repairing roofs. One unexpected challenge that homeowners often face is dealing with squirrels nesting on their roofs. Not only can these critters cause damage to the roof and insulation, but they can also be a nuisance to homeowners. In this guide, we’ll explore effective methods of how to get squirrels out of roof. Let’s get started.

How to Get Squirrels Out of Roof

The following are the steps that you should follow to get squirrels out of roof.

Understanding the Problem

it’s essential to understand why squirrels choose to nest on roofs. Squirrels are attracted to warm, sheltered spaces, making roofs an ideal nesting spot. Additionally, they may see your roof as a potential food source or a safe place to raise their young. By understanding these motivations, you can better address the problem at hand.

Assessment and Inspection

The first step in removing squirrels from a roof is to conduct a thorough assessment and inspection. As a roofer, you’ll need to examine the exterior of the roof for any entry points or signs of damage that may be allowing squirrels to gain access.

Look for chewed or damaged areas, as well as loose or missing shingles that could provide an entry point.

Sealing Entry Points

Once you’ve identified potential entry points, the next step is to seal them off to prevent squirrels from re-entering the roof. This may involve repairing damaged areas, installing mesh or wire barriers, or sealing gaps with caulking or foam.

Be sure to pay close attention to areas around vents, chimneys, and eaves, as these are common entry points for squirrels.

Humane Removal Techniques

When it comes to removing squirrels from a roof, it’s essential to use humane techniques that won’t harm the animals. One effective method is the use of one-way exclusion devices, such as funnel traps or one-way doors, which allow squirrels to exit the roof but prevent them from re-entering.

Once the squirrels have left the roof, be sure to promptly seal off the entry points to prevent their return.

Cleanup and Prevention

After successfully removing the squirrels from the roof, it’s important to clean up any mess they may have left behind and take steps to prevent future infestations.

This may involve removing nesting materials, sanitizing affected areas, and installing deterrents such as motion-activated lights or sprinkler systems.

Read More: What Is A Mansard Roof?


As a roofer, being able to effectively address issues like squirrel infestations is essential to providing quality service to your clients. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to help homeowners rid their roofs of unwanted guests safely and humanely.

Remember, prevention is key, so be sure to educate your clients on the importance of regular roof maintenance and inspection to avoid future problems.

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