how to make wooden roof shingles

How to Make Wooden Roof Shingles

Wooden roof shingles have been a popular roofing material for centuries due to their natural beauty, durability, and insulation properties. For aspiring roofers looking to enhance their skills and offer a unique service, learning how to make wooden roof shingles can be a valuable asset. This comprehensive guide will take you through the process step by step, ensuring you gain the knowledge and confidence needed to create high-quality wooden shingles.

Why Choose Wooden Roof Shingles?

Before diving into the process, it’s important to understand why wooden roof shingles are a desirable choice:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Wooden shingles provide a rustic, natural look that enhances the beauty of any structure.
  • Durability: When properly maintained, wooden shingles can last for decades, withstanding various weather conditions.
  • Insulation: Wood is a natural insulator, helping to regulate indoor temperatures and improve energy efficiency.

Materials and Tools Needed

To make wooden roof shingles, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Wood Logs: Cedar, redwood, and pine are popular choices due to their durability and resistance to decay.
  • Splitting Tools: A froe and mallet are essential for splitting the wood into shingles.
  • Measuring Tools: A ruler or measuring tape to ensure uniformity in size.
  • Saw: A handsaw or circular saw for cutting the wood to the desired length.
  • Workbench: A sturdy surface to work on.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Selecting the Wood
    • Choose high-quality, straight-grained wood logs. Cedar and redwood are preferred for their resistance to rot and insects.
  2. Preparing the Logs
    • Cut the logs into manageable lengths, typically around 24 inches. Remove any bark and knots to ensure a smooth surface.
  3. Splitting the Wood
    • Using a froe and mallet, split the logs into thin, uniform pieces. The ideal thickness for shingles is about 3/8 inch at the butt end, tapering to a thin edge.
  4. Shaping the Shingles
    • Trim the split wood to the desired shingle length, usually between 16 to 24 inches. Ensure the width is consistent, typically around 4 to 6 inches.
  5. Smoothing the Surface
    • Use a drawknife or plane to smooth the surface of the shingles. This step is crucial for creating an even surface that fits well on the roof.
  6. Drying the Shingles
    • Allow the shingles to air dry for several weeks. Proper drying prevents warping and ensures the shingles maintain their shape.
  7. Applying a Finish (Optional)
    • To enhance the longevity of the shingles, consider applying a wood preservative or stain. This step provides additional protection against moisture and UV damage.

Installation Tips

Once you have crafted your wooden shingles, it’s time to install them. Here are some tips to ensure a successful installation:

  • Underlayment: Install a quality underlayment to provide an extra layer of protection against moisture.
  • Starter Course: Begin with a starter course at the edge of the roof, ensuring the shingles overhang the eaves by about 1 inch.
  • Spacing: Leave a small gap between each shingle to allow for expansion and contraction due to weather changes.
  • Nailing: Use corrosion-resistant nails, placing two nails per shingle about 3/4 inch from each edge and 1 inch above the overlap.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity of your wooden roof shingles, regular maintenance is essential:

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect the roof for damaged or missing shingles and replace them promptly.
  • Cleaning: Remove debris such as leaves and branches to prevent moisture buildup and decay.
  • Treatment: Periodically apply a wood preservative or water repellent to protect the shingles from the elements.

Benefits for Your Roofing Career

Mastering the craft of making wooden roof shingles can significantly enhance your roofing career:

  • Specialized Skill: Offering handmade wooden shingles sets you apart from competitors who only use factory-made materials.
  • Higher Earnings: Unique skills often command higher prices, allowing you to charge a premium for your services.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Providing a high-quality, aesthetically pleasing roofing option can lead to increased customer satisfaction and referrals.

Read More: How to Remove Roofing Tar from Metal


Learning how to make wooden roof shingles is a valuable skill for any aspiring roofer. The process, while labor-intensive, results in a beautiful and durable roofing material that can set you apart in the industry. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll gain the knowledge and expertise needed to craft high-quality wooden shingles and enhance your roofing career. Start practicing today, and soon you’ll be able to offer this unique and desirable service to your clients.

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